The cell phone number list infamous Stephen Covey once said, “Begin with the end in mind.” What is your goal as a small agency? If you are a successful small agency, satisfying existing clients is undoubtedly an important goal. According to HubSpot's 2018 Marketing Agency Growth Report, cell phone number list customer acquisition is a top issue for 60% of agencies, which means the smartest way to keep revenue consistent is cell phone number list to keep your existing customers super happy . .
As a digital cell phone number list marketing agency managing a client's social media accounts, it's essential to keep your client's goals and endgame in mind. You need to be clear about how you're going to help them achieve those goals, and then you need cell phone number list to deliver on time. Oh, and you also have to do all of this on a budget. Don't worry; We are here to help you. Here are seven smart, inexpensive ways cell phone number list to manage social media accounts and keep those customers happy.
Create Goal-Based Social Media Strategies
What are your end points and cell phone number list deliverables for each client? If you haven't clearly documented them, you can't align customer expectations with your team's approach. This is a surefire way to customer dissatisfaction. In order cell phone number list to get to those finals and deliverables, set SMART goals that are specific, quantifiable, and aligned with why your client hired you. Many small agencies do this but face setbacks during execution due cell phone number list to obstacles and unforeseen circumstances.
Build a network of active freelancers
Your first concern after accepting a client project should be capacity. You need cell phone number list to make sure you have the resources to produce quality work within the agreed time frame. Most small agencies have an account manager who handles way too many customer accounts, which can lead to delivery issues. If this handler is tied, there is no one cell phone number list to follow up and ensure delivery.
Use low-cost project management software
Keeping your clients' account details, documents and content in one place for all project contributors cell phone number list to access is a key part of effectively managing clients' social media accounts. Another important part of managing multiple projects without disruption is investing in good project management software. The cell phone number list good news is that there are several free and affordable software options you can use to automate or streamline most repetitive tasks. This gives you more time to focus cell phone number list on strategy and improve performance.