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I Think We Got Over Our Dog fever.

If your pup's temperature rises above 103 F your dog has a fever. If your pup's temperature reaches 106 F, your dog has a very high temperature and is at risk of serious, possibly fatal complications.

I think we got over our dog fever.


Anything that can stimulate the immune system can cause a fever. For example, it is not uncommon for pets to get a low-grade fever after being vaccinated. This is because the immune system is being stimulated to protect the body against different diseases.

Bacterial infections, fungal infections, or viral infections can all stimulate an immune response and cause a fever as well. Cancer is another disease process that usually stimulates the immune system, resulting in a fever.

Treatment of a fever in dogs is largely dependent on the cause of the fever. Oftentimes several diagnostics, such as bloodwork, radiographs (x-rays), and ultrasound, are necessary to determine the cause. In some cases, a cause cannot be identified.

If your dog is shivering and it is not because they are cold it could actually be caused by a fever. Make sure your pet is warm and dry if they are shivering. If the shivers are from a fever make sure you are not making them too hot.

Over the years, our Shar-pei, Ty, spiked a few dangerously high fevers and many that were less serious. Catching it early helped him recover more quickly, and I became quite good at recognizing when his temperature was climbing.

If you sense your dog has a fever, the best way to find out is by taking your dog's temperature with an ear or rectal thermometer. You cannot get an accurate reading on your dog's health by touching their nose to feel if it's hot or cold. Once you have a thermometer, you can determine whether or not your dog has a fever.

If you took your dog's temperature correctly and they have a fever, you may be wondering what to do about it. Being a pet parent is the same as being a parent to a human child, so it can be an emotional experience to discover that your dog has a fever. This article will discuss a healthy temperature for dogs, signs your dog has a fever, how fevers are diagnosed, and common treatments for fevers in dogs.

When your dog has a viral or bacterial infection, their natural defenses will react by increasing their temperature in an attempt to kill the bacteria or virus. A fever can also activate the body's immune system, making it easier to fight off the cause of the fever. Since a fever indicates your dog is not healthy in some way, other symptoms can accompany a fever1, such as:

If your dog has a fever after a recent vaccination, notify your vet. They'll be able to tell you whether your dog's fever is a normal side effect. In most cases, a low-grade fever is expected. However, if the fever increases over time, take your dog to the vet for treatment.

Since dog fevers can be fatal and cause organ damage and failure, try to keep your dog's fever down. While you should always go to the vet at the first sign of a fever, especially if other symptoms are present, you can help keep your dog cool by putting a wet towel or cloth on them.2 Additionally, it's important to avoid dog dehydration when your pet has a fever. Even though your dog may be lethargic, try to get them to drink water.

Dog fevers can resolve on their own as their body naturally fights off the infection causing the fever. However, some infections can't be fought off easily by the body and will need veterinary intervention. For example, most UTIs need to be addressed with antibiotics. Letting your dog try to fight a UTI on their own can lead to blood in their urine, pain, and kidney damage.

Never give your dog any human medicine for a fever because it may be toxic for them. Instead, you can help reduce a dog's fever by putting a wet towel over their bodies and ensuring they stay hydrated. If you want to give your pet medicine, consult a vet first. Your vet will want to examine your dog to diagnose them and develop a treatment plan.

Keep daily walks at a comfortable pace and avoid excessive exercise while your dog is recovering from a cold. They might even snooze more than usual. This is normal as their body needs plenty of rest during this time.

It is important to tell your veterinarian about any recent travel or boarding, any potential exposure to unknown or infected animals, any exposure to fleas or ticks, if your dog has been bred, had any recent vaccinations, is getting supplements or medications, or any other information that might be helpful to determine what may be causing their fever.

Dogs that have persistent fever or a fever that waxes and wanes must undergo a thorough work-up so that the cause of fever can be discovered and treated before irreversible damage occurs. In cases where this pattern repeats more than once, it is imperative that a thorough diagnostic work-up is undertaken.

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is an allergic reaction to tiny particles in the air called allergens. When you breathe in allergens through your nose or mouth, your body reacts by releasing a natural chemical called histamine. Several indoor and outdoor allergens cause hay fever. Common causes include dust mites, mold, pet dander and pollen from trees and plants.

Allergens are harmless to most people. But if you have hay fever, your immune system thinks the allergen is intruding. The immune system tries to protect your body by releasing natural chemicals into your bloodstream. The main chemical is called histamine. It causes mucous membranes in the nose, eyes and throat to become inflamed and itchy as they work to eject the allergen.

Antihistamines: Antihistamine medications are available with a prescription or over the counter. They work by blocking the histamine that your body releases during an allergic response. Antihistamines come as pills, liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays and inhalers. They include:

Corticosteroid nasal sprays: These sprays and inhalers reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hay fever. The most common nasal sprays are Flonase, Nasacort and Rhinocort. Side effects include headaches, nasal irritation, nosebleeds and cough.

People are also susceptible to tick fever. While there are no reported cases of direct dog to human transmissions, pet parents need to be especially careful when removing ticks from their pet, since people can become infected following contact with tick blood, lymph fluids or excretions during the removal of engorged ticks from their pets.

Blood test results that point to tick fever include low platelet count, anemia, and abnormal white blood cell counts. Other diagnostic tests can be useful in detecting low protein levels, abnormal calcium levels, electrolyte abnormalities, and abnormal liver or kidney values which point towards a diagnosis of tick fever.

If your pooch has a temperature that is higher than 103 F they have a fever. If their temperature gets up to 106 F, your dog has a very high temperature and is at risk of serious, potentially fatal complications.

Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus known as Coccidiodes immitis. Although the proper name for this disease is coccidioidomycosis, it is most often called valley fever, California disease, desert rheumatism, or San Joaquin valley fever.

However, in dogs that have a weak immune system because of age or underlying illness, serious illness can develop, therefore, both very young puppies and senior dogs are more susceptible to illness from valley fever. In these patients, the spherules continue to grow and eventually burst, releasing more infectious organisms to spread throughout the lungs or to other organs in the body where the cycle repeats itself over and over.

Veterinarians in other parts of North America seldom, if ever see cases of valley fever. Therefore, if your dog has spent any time in an area where this disease is prevalent, it is important to let your veterinarian know about this travel history should your dog develop signs that are consistent with valley fever.

A small number of dogs, usually those that develop disseminated disease, will die from valley fever. However, the majority of dogs that are treated appropriately will recover from this disease. Your veterinarian will periodically repeat the antibody titer test to determine when the antifungal medication can be stopped.

Typhoid and paratyphoid fever are most common in parts of the world where water and food may be unsafe and sanitation is poor. Travelers to Eastern and Southern Asia (especially Pakistan India, and Bangladesh), Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the Middle East are at increased risk for typhoid and paratyphoid fever.

If you're lucky, you will soon exhibit the classic spotted rash that characterizes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Your physician will recognize it and give you doxycycline, and you will start to recover in a few days.

Once you've been bitten, watch carefully for flu-like symptoms and rush to the doctor if you suspect tick fever. Be sure to tell your physician you've had a tick bite so he doesn't dismiss the symptoms as an ordinary flu.

  • Here are some other tips: Treat all your dogs for ticks and fleas, and don't let them roam at large where they can mingle with strays

  • Wash pet and human bedding frequently and dry in dryer (but be aware this isn't a cure - in some life stages, ticks can survive a trip through both the washer and dryer)

  • Keep pet and human sleeping areas separate

  • Don't stack wood against your house

  • Use an insect repellent with DEET when you go outdoors in the summer, or before handling tick-infested pets

  • If you suspect you have a tick infestation in your home, have it professionally fumigated

  • Trim back thick vegetation around your home, and drain standing water (ticks can go weeks without feeding on blood, but need regular drinks of water)

  • Don't leave old mattresses or couches outdoors for summer sleeping - ticks love hiding out in old upholstery

  • Spay or neuter your pet to prevent overpopulation and more roaming strays

  • Turn unwanted pets over to Animal Control rather than releasing them to fend for themselves

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